
Sunday, January 25, 2015

My Baby

I thought my first blog of the year would be most appropriate to dote on my baby and his birthday.

 So 3 years ago this morning I was laying half paralyzed in a hospital bed due to to a botched epidural , vigorous massages of my uterus, peeing in a bed pan, having my blood drawn what felt like every 10 min and down bellows checked every 5 minutes since I was hemorrhaging. None of that matter because my heart was growing more than I could ever imagine and I was in such euphoria (or doped up.. same difference :) }. My second baby boy was born happy and healthy. That is all that was important to me.God saw fit to choose me to be his mother. To me that is such a great honor that will never take for granted or squander as so many women do. He slept in my arms, just looking as perfect as every mother thinks when her baby is born. ( Mom's see perfection ...alien faced or not. :P ) My heart filled with love.... again.

  Over the past 3 years it has seemed like a whirlwind of up and downs just as babies and toddlers should emanate from their tiny souls. The first year with a 2 year old and new born was by far the hardest year and a very big blur. Thank God the photographer in me took WAY to many pictures so I can remember those still life moments how small he was and the giggles and smile he gave during the first 3 years. How he and Isaac bonded so quickly.
 Now he is definitely growing into his own personality and is feisty, strong willed and , for lack of better words, a NUT JOB! lol. He keeps me on my toes and is the best maniac I could ever ask for. He's sweet, tells me I'm beautiful, his kisses are perfection and his hugs make every hurt and bad thing go away.

  My children have never been introduced to Chuckie Cheese. Call it what you will. I was not prepared to open Pandora's box of " I wanna go i wanna go!!! " every time we passed it. Some call it cruel. I call it smart. So for his " real first party" I decided to keep it small and and have it where the creepy mouse resides. He LOVED it! Nothing makes me happier than seeing him and his brother running around like mad men collecting tickets! Everything went smoothly and BEST of all I had to provide no entertainment for the kids (creepy mouse took care of that along with germ ridden games) or clean up (which the party host took care of)! It was the shiz. I was so happy I got to make my baby smile . He deserves all the happiness in the world!!!
 I love you Benjamin Andrew Dunham! You have my heart along with your brother and I pray, with God's help, you continue to be strong and loving and life will never get you down!!!

Love your Mami always and forever!


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